
Thursday, 11 February 2021

   Information Report

How many siblings does room 12 have?

For our maths we did Statistical Investigation to get to know

each other.

Room 12 gathered data to help us get to know each other. We each chose a question to ask the other kids in the class, My question was how many siblings do you have?

I discovered that many of the people in room 12 had one sibling. My total was that 12 people in the room 12 had 1 sibling. The next highest number was 7 then 6,4,3,1 and I got the hang of asking them questions all around the class.

Surprisingly, I discovered that many kids in room 12 have only 1 sibling. I had been thinking that the kids in room 12 would have more then one fortunately I had enjoyed asking them my question and getting to know them.